
What Not To Do When You Lock Yourself Out Of Your Safe

Door with many dead bolts

Safes are a wonderful invention. For centuries they have been processing valuables from thieves. They are a great line of defense when you don’t want someone accessing your treasured possessions. But what do you do when you’re the one trying to access your valuables? For as long as the safe has been around, people have been accidentally locking themselves out. When this happens, it’s easy to panic and try to force your way in. This can damage your safe or the possessions inside. Remain calm, and avoid these common mistakes. Here’s what not to do when you lock yourself out of your safe.

Don’t Panic

Generally, when someone can’t access their safe, their first reaction is to panic. Try to keep calm and collect yourself. While you may not have immediate access to your locked up belongings, there is a very good chance that your safe will open again. There is no need to panic or worry otherwise. Try to do some research on your safe. Identify which type of lock it uses and gather as much information as you can. It’s going to be okay. 

Don’t Try To Drill Your Way In

Different safes have different types of locks. Some people bypass the lock and attempt to break into their own safe. This is a bad decision as it could easily damage your safe or the possessions within. It’s important to know what type of safe you have and what security features it possesses. Safes have two primary types of locks, digital and non-digital. Attempting to force your way or drill past a non-digital lock can damage the tumbler beyond repair. If this happens, it can make it next to impossible for even a professional to work his way in. Don’t try to drill your way in or you may do more harm than good.

Don’t Disassemble The Wiring

Some people don’t own a drill, so they try to go straight for the wires. This is also foolish. Digital locks are incredibly difficult to get into without a passcode. Damaging the wiring on a digital lock safe can cause permanent damage to the locking mechanism and make restoration impossible. Try to learn as much as you can about your safe model. Identify the serial number and research whether your safe has a backup code of ulterior method of entry. If you can’t find any useful information about your safe, consider reaching out to a safe expert or locksmith for assistance. Pro-tip, paying a locksmith is cheaper than buying a new safe. 

What You Should Do

Reach out to a professional. People lock themselves out of safes, homes, cars, etc all the time. There are men and women who make it their personal mission to help those in need. Reach out to a professional like those at Best Built Safes for help getting into your safe. 

Let Us Help!

North American Safes provides assistance to our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations.  When it comes to safes, we are there to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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