Rhino safes
Browse our vast collection of Gun Safes from Rhino Metals. Rhino Safes are at the forefront of the industry. Innovations include the popular Ironworks design, a swing out rack gun storage system, and an ultra-tough polyurea finish.
North American Safes carries a large collection of gun safes for almost every need.
About The Company
- Rhino Metals is a Veteran-owned manufacturing company.
- The safes bolt on both sides of the door to prevent the door from opening in the event that someone saws off the hinges.
- There are pre-drilled anchoring holes in the floor of the safe.
- Rhino’s gun safes are equipped with locks that are designed to block any attempts at hot-wiring, shorting, and manipulation. The only way to open your lock is with the existing combination.
- Optional internal power outlets and pre-drilling for a dehumidifier are available.

Innovative swing out rack gun storage system
Shop Rhino’s full line of safes in our showroom and browse a wide variety of models including Ironworks Gun Safes, and Rhino Gun Safes. You can also scroll through the collections of gun safes available on our website.